Since November 2018 , we were referred to as Black Dragon Paranormal, established by Joshua Thomas Grabenbauer AKA Joshua Savage, July 4th, 1985 – January 12th, 2020.

SInce Joshua’s passing in early 2020, the decision was made to change the name to Black Dragon Immortalis.

BDI consists of 11 Occultists, hand-picked by Lucifer.  Expert demonologists, occultists, summoners, practitioners of the dark arts, prodigies, witches, brujas, both Master and student, Lords and Ladies, Gods and Goddesses of this new era of Human Spiritual Evolution.

We were born to show the world what lies beyond the veil… Our vision is to teach people of every language, gender, race and culture how to work with Spirits.

We are Black Dragon Immortalis.

Letter To The Community

To whom it may concern; In light of some recent events online regarding the occult community, it should go without saying that any illegal activity perceived to be real would be absolutely and immediately reported to the authorities and met with legal action. ...

Why You Shouldn’t Use Circles Around Sigils

When I first began discovering the left-hand path, I was fascinated with sigils. I was intrigued with the symbolism of each Ancient energy. All those curves, lines, and intricate designs had special energy. They provided a physical representation that my mind could...

Feeling Overwhelmed?

Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Are you trying to balance your reality (your life) while also maintaining yourself active in the spiritual realm? Not enough hours during the day to meditate or add to your spiritual gnosis? Feeling depleted at night for ritual work? If...

Beelzebub: My Great Protector

Growing up as a not-so-active Catholic, very rarely did I hear of any names associated with demons or the demonic. The only name I was aware of was Satan, and all I was taught was to avoid his temptation. With this in mind, I avoided anything associated with that...

The Rite of Aeonic Procession or “Time Walking”

Items Used for this Rite: 4 black candles to represent the 4 winds or any 4 objects of your choosing to represent each of the 4 winds. In this case a single candle may be used.An athame, wand, or your hand may be used to direct energyA quiet room or outdoor space...

Refinement of Spiritual Gnosis

On the left-hand path, one must accept that both positive and negative experiences will happen. This is a concept that is hard for some practitioners to understand, but it’s a deep reality. Although we prefer to have positive experiences, it’s the negative ones that...

Samael Gave Me A Choice

There was a period of time where my wife Morgan was on a soul journey. While she was going through this her mother fell ill. She had been in and out of the hospital for some time and during the last visit she fell into a coma. Doctors didn’t have many...

What I Learned During “The Great Conjunction”

On Monday, December 21, 2020, the Great Conjunction appeared before our very eyes worldwide. Unless you’re living under a rock or don’t care about what happens in the universe, this event marked the closest distance between Jupiter and Saturn. Looking up at the night...

From the Belly Of The Beast

Within the depths of the abyss we have Leviathan; a slumbering god whose voice has spoken to those who would hear him in their dreams as he lies beneath the depths of the darkness that lies in wait. Leviathan has indeed been speaking to me. His message is as of yet,...

Ancient (Demon) Presence and Departure

Many left-hand path practitioners (new, intermediate, and experienced) have experienced the energy of an Ancient (demon). This energy can come in various forms, including rituals, meditation, sigil-gazing, being in nature, and many more. The feeling is undeniable,...